Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Listen... bitte noch einmal.

a. Here is a quote from one of my English professors. He wrote this sentence on our midterm.

"Part V. Sometimes I wonder if I divide this document into sections only because I enjoy the pointy nature of Roman numerals."

Now, this sounds like something my broface would say. Also, I identify with idiosyncratic tastes in document composition. I cannot use serif fonts. They really, really annoy me.

b. Mom, I found the defect in my 2.50$ sleep pants from the Peace Frog outlet store that we shopped in forever. One leg is significantly longer than the other. I can deal.

c. I learned something about myself this week, and that is that I will fixate on absolutely any possible conundrum if it keeps me from studying. Example: When I was a small child, I owned this video about this boy who gets sucked into a board game. Or maybe I checked it out multiple times from Trinity Church Library. In hindsight, that is also very possible.

It started out as live action, and then when he got sucked into the game, everything was claymation. Cool, huh? (John, were you around for this? Do you remember it?) It was also mildy creepy at times because the boy strayed off the path and almost didn't make it out of the board game.

Well, I found out that I will look online for about a half hour, trying to find out the name of this movie, rather than write essays.

Incidentally, I found out the name of the movie. Rockin'. It's actually based on the book of Proverbs. Oh, Christian movie business, you are weird.


Anonymous said...

OOPs about the sleep pants...all the more reason why you shouldn't wear sleep pants to class.

I have no recollection at all about the movie..hope you were not traumatized for life.

And the Roman Numerals reminds me of the Apples to Apples Game when Roman Numerals were the height of selfishness.


Knock em dead, sweetface!
love you bunches, mom

Anonymous said...

Hoomania.. You can watch it online at (should bring back memories).

Please Claire do a screen grab while watching, I can't find any stills from it! Just press PrntScreen [next to F12 on the keyboard] and paste in MS Paint or the somthing similar.

Seems fimiliar. All I can remember is a clay animated kid FRANTICALLY jumping through the rapidly shutting drawbridge and a few rather weird clay dudes.

Anonymous said...

Hoomania.. You can watch it online at (should bring back memories).

Please Claire do a screen grab while watching, I can't find any stills from it! Just press PrntScreen [next to F12 on the keyboard] and paste in MS Paint or the somthing similar.

Seems fimiliar. All I can remember is a clay animated kid FRANTICALLY jumping through the rapidly shutting drawbridge and a few rather weird clay dudes.

Anonymous said...

Their remaking day the Earth Stood the Still.. With Keaneu Reeves (NOOOOO!)

I like how Gort hasn't changed over the last fifty years. That said they seem to be trying to make an epic special effects film. The original wasn't and didn't try to be.

One of the things I like about the original film was its sheer quaintness.

The star, Michael Rennie, wasn't a big name Hollywood Celebrity, making him more believable as a genuinely nice extraterrestrial.

The peace film aspect of the B+W one I didn't really care about, and I will CRINGE when the focal point is GLOBAL WARMING.

Rumors has it that the screwdupdated Klaatu inhibits some random HUMAN'S BODY! The original character would NEVER body-snatch anyone. That is just creepy!

Your Bro

Claire said...

OK, did you REMEMBER the name "Hoomania" or did you look the movie up, dear? Why do you want me to do a screen grab? Is subpar claymation really that important to you?

I actually DID watch it again, last night. It did bring back memories.

I believe I'd heard about the Keanu Reeves travesty. I never saw the first one, though. We should check it out again sometime.

Anonymous said...

Somewhat. Hahaha my cuss word-filter blocks the word "snatch"