Monday, August 25, 2008

Beginning of the Semester Update

Hello, world. I miss you. I used to have free time. Now I research puppet theatre and junk instruments and people; I'm loving it a little bit, but it means I have officially, officially asserted my ownership of the Theatre Arts computer lab in a way that kind of freaks me out. (Yo, I redecorated it. It's pretty rockin'.)

So, I have this friend who is a pretty rocking guy who reads my blog when it's not long and he pointed out to me that I am "too creative to go to Bible school." Thoughts?

My college library has lost its sole copy of Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. I will never be a literate individual. Dang. I did, however, check out short stories by Kafka. I'm not sure why I read so many stories by messed-up individuals. It's cathartic, I guess--I go through a trial by fire of pity and fear when I read Kafka. He just... he just needed a hug so bad.

Ok... speaking of short stories. "The Birthmark" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It's like The Scarlet Letter, but much shorter. And minus Pearl. Hated it, can't wait for the other stuff I'm going to read for SciFi class. Let's lose the Twilight-Zone crazy red hand blemish, let's think about robots and space wars.


Anonymous said...

Haha, Claire, Catch-22. I love, love this book, after finally reading it years ago when our library finally, finally replaced its long-lost copy. Sound familiar? But that was the easy part. I since looked for it in every used book store I could find (which is no small number), foolishly determined to find a copy with a history, someone who loved it as much as I did and would obligingly fill the margins. No luck. Even, then, "regular" bookstores, who were somehow always mysteriously out of stock. Finally, three months ago, I gave in, threw my hands up to the world and ordered it online. And... it just now arrived. One week ago. After two canceled orders, one lost package and one very, very late shipment.

Somewhere Heller chuckles his face off. Me, I'm off to read it for the third time in a week and maybe take some verbose margin notes.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know more about this redecorating of the Theatre Arts Computer Lab.

We sure miss you around here. You always add such class and style.

Love you bunches, Mom