1) Patrick Fiori. Now, thanks to my roommate, I have listened to Phoebus' trademark male-ingenue-with-edge solo, Dechire, from the French-Canadian musical Notre Dame de Paris at least five times (because one epic musical set in Paris is not enough). You're

Since the show, it looks like he's gotten an eyebrow piercing. Look very closely.
Also, he sort of reminds me of someone I know... and that's rather embarrassing.
2) Oddly enough, still Mo Rocca. Few geniuses have higher metabolisms and cuter lisps.
3) Bleak Expectations --it's a BBC4 radio serial parodying Charles Dickens' works. I am such the fan.
4) Franz Kafka. No... wait... wait for it-- hear me out. Metamorphosis. Is it in his head? Or is he really a bug? Get it?
5) My roommate... and this isn't something that made my week livable, but I thought it was interesting... says I talk like a North Carolinian. She says I say "bless your/his/her heart" a lot. I argue that I say it ironically. But then I remember the times I say it, unprovoked, with sincerity, and I think it's true. I started thinking about the way North Carolinians talk because I was watching the episode of Arrested Development when Jessie, the Bluth's ex-publicist, slams The Andy Griffith Show's Opie. Ron Howard, who voices the narrator and played Opie, says, "Jessie had gone too far, and she had best watch her mouth." This is the second time I've seen this episode, and this is the first time that I got the joke. Not the Opie joke, but the "had best" one. I think this means that I think in North Carolinian.
6) Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry and Maruchan noodles.
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