Friday, July 17, 2009

Truly Great Discovery of the Week: soy milk lattes. OMGOMGOMGOMG guys! It's the best thing since Matthew Morrison decided to do musicals. Soy milk foams way, way better than real milk, and it doesn't have the hot-milk taste... it does, however, taste like soy milk.

Budget: I have been trying to make one for the fall. It looks like I will be living on tap water, bananas and the occasional Lance cracker. Shame, because there's a Dunkin' Donuts on every street corner and I prefer that SO much to Starbucks.

Reinventing myself: I'm basically the same as I always was, but I'm not as scared of some things... like running.


Beth said...

Hahaha! so where do you get these fabulous sounding lattes?! :)

claireful said...

haha... Beth Nell, here is the awesome part: I make them myself! We have an espresso machine at work and I spend my breaktimes making sure I have enough caffeine for the day.

Miss you, dearie!

Beth said...

Oooohhh!!! Wow! Totally sweet!!! =D Homemade is always better anyway:) Well, when I come vsit you some day, you shall have to make me one! :) Miss you toooo!!!

Anonymous said...

Claire, you can make your list of your top three favorite meals to have when you come home and I will do my utmost best to accommodate. We can go running, too....or not! love you lots! mom

m immanuel w said...

*sighs* As I read this it occurs to me that we have almost nothing in common. I only go to starbuck to use the WiFi. I only drink soy milk in tea, and even then, it's vanilla-flavored. I'm not sure what a latte is. (I know it has something to do with coffe and I'm pretty sure I've drunken one before. Miss you. Lots.

Claire said...

Marcus... I miss you.